Hi! I'm David...

David's Office Hours

I'm really good at solving problems.

Let me help you solve yours!

I’m the lead developer at CMS Max where I build and maintain a proprietary content management system (CMS). Over the years I’ve had a lot of opportunities to solve very unique problems. I’ve learned to get to the heart of the matter and to find not just the best solution, but the most appropriate one given the time and resources at hand.

I also love to help people. I want to use what I’ve learned to help other developers.


Do you have questions like...

  • Am I over engineering this?
  • Should I go with code design A or design B?
  • Is there any other way to solve this problem where I can satisfy the requirements with less work?

These are all questions developers like you and me have to wrestle with on a daily basis. Oftentimes, you’re left to decide on your own. What if you had someone other than a rubber ducky to talk through a problem or solution?

There are never any clear cut answers - every problem is unique. By taking some time to think and talk through the scenario we can come up with something that’ll help you move forward.

I speak

  • PHP
  • MySQL
  • JavaScript

I build with

  • Laravel
  • Vue.js

Have questions about other languages or frameworks? Just ask. At the very least I can point you in the right direction.

What You Get

Have a general question or want to get in touch? Contact me below.